This podcast is a must-listen for any writer or business owner looking to leverage the power of Twitter.
There is arguably no better social media platform to hone your writing skills. In this episode, Ella & Minnie discuss what Twitter can do for you as a writer, and how you can use the platform to find your tribe, grow your audience, test ideas and build in public.
With topics such as exploring what resonates with your target audience, providing something educational and interesting, understanding recent changes to the platform, and using hashtags to increase followers, this podcast is the perfect guide to help you get the most out of Twitter.
Cracking Copy hosts Minnie McBride and Ella Hoyos will help you unlock the potential of Twitter for your writing, business, and more. Whether you’re a writer, journalist, PR professional, or budding entrepreneur, you’ll learn how to craft compelling tweets, grow a loyal following, and get the most out of the ever-evolving platform. Discover the ins and outs of this powerful social media platform and use it to further your career and success.
Tune in and let us know your thoughts - our contact details are below…
Learn how to become a prolific digital writer with Ship30for30
Publish cross-platform with Typeshare
Search for insights and intel with Twemex
Organise your Twitter feed with Tweetdeck
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You can also find us at:
Ella Hoyos - @flurrymarketing
Minnie McBride - @minnie__writes
Ella Hoyos -
Minnie McBride -
Ella Hoyos and Minnie McBride are co-hosts of this new podcast. We are professional copywriters and marketers. We deep dive into a different aspect of copywriting in each ‘snack-sized’ episode so that we can help you become better writers for your business.
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Cracking Copy
THU, JANUARY 19, 2023
24 MIN 31 SEC