TUE, AUGUST 23, 2022 • S1 E3 • 24 MIN 44 SEC
The Long and Short of It. Does Size Matter?
This episode is for you if you want some brilliant and insightful tips on approaching long form and short form copy. What do we mean and how are they different?
This bite-size episode discusses the differences and looks to answer the following burning questions:
What’s the difference between long form and short form copy?
What are the frameworks and structure to consider?
How do you deal with writing constraints?
How long should pieces of copy be?
And how long should you actually spend writing?
Join us as we give our thoughts on tackling all lengths of copywriting tasks and answer your questions in our fun and informative conversation.
‘It was the American advertising copywriter, Eugene Schwarz, author of a book called Breakthrough Advertising in the 1960s, who first said, copy isn't written, it's assembled. For me, that was a big light bulb moment.’
‘So when people read something online, they're going to spend about 3 seconds, three precious seconds looking at it before they make the decision whether to carry on reading or not.’
‘The reader. They're just scrolling… Messages wash over them and content washes over them. So it's about finding those headlines and spending the most time, really, when you're writing on crafting those really good headlines of subheadings and really good first sentence hook that's going to keep that reader… sticking around to read the whole piece.’
Character and word constraints - examples:
Instagram - bio total 150 characters; caption 2,200 characters
Facebook - 63,206 characters (though for best engagement you should do less)
Twitter - tweet 280 characters - but more with Twitter threads, Twitter handle 15 characters, profile name 50 characters, bio 160 characters
Linkedin - ‘About’ section 2,600 characters, if publishing an essay publishing content length 110,000
Blog posts - according to Hubspot 2,100-2,400 is the sweet spot for best SEO
Sales pages can be anything up to up to 6,000 words or longer
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Please drop us a voice note at www.memo.fm/crackingcopy and let us know what you think or what topics you would like us to cover.
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You can also find us at:
Ella Hoyos - @flurrymarketing
Minnie McBride - @sosocial_minnie
Ella Hoyos - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ellahoyos
Minnie McBride - https://www.linkedin.com/in/minniemcbride
Ella Hoyos and Minnie McBride are co-hosts of this new podcast. We are professional copywriters and marketers. We deep dive into a different aspect of copywriting in each ‘snack-sized’ episode and hope, along the way, to help you become better writers for your business.
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TUE, AUGUST 23, 2022