TUE, AUGUST 30, 2022 • S1 E4 • 15 MIN 17 SEC
Writing Formulas & Frameworks
This episode is for you if want to know how copy formulas will help you create high-converting copy.
In this episode we cover:
Why writing copy from scratch is a no-no and what you should do instead
The sales psychology behind using formulas and frameworks
The different kind of frameworks for copywriters
Why using formulas and frameworks will strengthen your writing and make it easier to get started
Examples of writing frameworks in action
This episode we discuss four different copywriting frameworks, some are well-known and some lesser known, but all are proven to work and are popular among writers. We look at several examples from real-life scenarios to give you an understanding of the power of these writing formulas when put into action. A lot of these copywriting formulas can be applied to various lengths of copy. Whether it’s a short piece of copy or an ad, or a longer piece that you’re producing, these writing formulas can really bring great results to your business.
This short episode has plenty of actionable tips on how experimenting with different frameworks will help you level up your own writing and optimise your copy for best results.
You'll hear that:
“Kevin Lee, catalogued no less than 27 copy formulas. That is enough to make your head hurt! “
“Whether it’s a short piece of copy or an ad, or a longer piece that you’re producing, these writing formulas can really bring great results to your business.”
“Different formulas work for different writing goals and different content types or writing styles.”
“There is a more ethical approach, rather than agitating and rubbing salt in the wounds and making the problem really big and scary. You start off with your pain point, the frustration that's bothering you, but then you paint a more optimistic picture of how it could be and this is how you get to that point.”
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You can also find us at:
Ella Hoyos - https://www.instagram.com/flurrymarketing
Minnie McBride - https://www.instagram.com/sosocial_minnie
Ella Hoyos - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ellahoyos
Minnie McBride - https://www.linkedin.com/in/minniemcbride
Ella Hoyos and Minnie McBride are co-hosts of this new podcast. We are professional copywriters and marketers. We deep dive into a different aspect of copywriting in each ‘snack-sized’ episode so that we can help you become better writers for your business.
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TUE, AUGUST 30, 2022